Xmas in Tasmania…

Twenty times bigger than England but with a population of only 500k, ‘Tassy’ is affectionately old school. It’s famed for it’s wild countryside, local farmer markets & Georgian era hamlet towns. It’s like a cheerier Australian Wuthering Heights. Therefore the perfect location for a sleepy xmas holiday being pampered by my BF’s mum’s home-cooking in her white-picket fenced Launceston cottage. It’s the last xmas before we become parents ourselves so we’re revelling in the R & R.

Tourist highlights include the 3 hour drive to the capital Hobart for the long running Salamanca market. It’s only an extra 20k drive to the peak of Mount Wellington for sky-high views. Unfortunately we were a day too early for the Taste of Tasmania festival & the boxing day Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race finale. My own personal highlight however was realising that the loud dog-like rodent that is the Tasmanian Devil is a real life animal & not just a cartoon!

An.an.tas.in : The Anantasin is the name of a shipwreck  just of the coast of the Sensi Parasise, Mae Haad Bay, Koh Tao, Thailand.  That trip sparked a love for adventure, writing, and exploring the world.

Lit.tle: Because my travels started out just little old me.

Blasts From The Past…

December 2014

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